At The Heights Blackburn, we have and continue to work with over 50 different agencies through police, health, social care and education, on the daily, weekly and regular safeguarding of our pupils. We are committed to ensuring we engage meaningfully, effectively and consistently with our safeguarding partners to ensure constant safety support for our young people at our school.

We are an operation encompass school and take an active approach to working with the police (emergency and non-emergency) on sateguarding matters, reporting in crimes and concerns and supporting with police operations where required.
We attend monthly multi-agency child exploitation meetings at Blackburn’s Greenbank Police station, as well as invite uniformed officers into school regularly to complete workshops and assemblies with our pupils.
The Heights Blackburn believes in working positively with the police to keep all of our pupils and their families safe.

The Heights Blackburn believes strongly in ensuring that pupil’s health and safety is the number one priority.
At our school, mental health matters. We have developed a wellbeing department within the school which implements both a whole school approach and individual pupil support programmes.
Further to this, we work with the MHST, school nurse teams and ELCAS weekly, as well as support families with accessing GP help and invite the Brook sexual health team in weekly for an in school clinic for pupils to access.
In times of emergency, whether that be a physical health issue or a mental health concern, we will support our pupils in taking them to A&E so they can access immediate support and get the right help in which they need.

Children and their safety is at the heart of everything we do; at The Heights Blackburn we follow children’s social care’s continuum of needs threshold, and we are proud to provide universal support to our pupils and their families, as well as targeted interventions and early help support to those identified as in need.
Where necessary, we will positively refer cases of concern to children’s social care and be a point of call for family support workers and social workers to liaise with collaboratively to support the health and safety of our pupil and their family.
We regularly contact children’s social care for advice on cases as well as update social workers assigned to our pupils daily on any causes for concern.

All pupils at The Heights are dual enrolled and we work collaboratively with their mainstream who have facilitated the placement with ourselves; daily and weekly information sharing, liaison, consultation, updating and reviewing takes place between the The Heights Blackburn’s safeguarding & pastoral team & the pupil’s mainstream school.
Whether you are a child or an adult, if you have ANY concerns at all, do not hesitate to contact The Heights Blackburn’s Safeguarding team on 01254 261655 for advice or support. Please be aware calls may not be taken after school hours, so should you need any advice or support outside of this period please do not hesitate to contact the Police, a Health professional or Social Care, or any of the most appropriate services listed above.
If you or someone you know may be or are in immediate danger or need urgent or emergency support ring 999 immediately
“The culture and ethos of the school encourages a caring and supportive environment in which learning and good behaviour can flourish.”