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At The Heights we pride ourselves on high expectations of pupil behaviour. We have an embedded Behaviour Management policy which is based on rewards and consequences.

Pupils are rewarded for positive choices and we have a celebration assembly of achievement every Friday afternoon. Pupils are rewarded each day through Epraise and can earn points for Positive engagement in the classroom, pupils are also rewarded with positive phone calls home and postcards of praise from staff.

Senior & Pastoral Leaders deliver daily assemblies to pupils, which include but not limited to Behavior expectations & reminders

Behaviour & Attitudes is overseen by Miss Morris (Assistant Headteacher) with the Support of Mr Doohan (Behaviour Lead), whose role is to support and deal with any occurrences of challenging behaviour whilst supporting all staff in implementing the behaviour policy within school.

The Pastoral Team & the wider school community supporting parents with their child’s behaviour and working closely with families to support any incident of poor behaviour within school. The Schools Behaviour Tier system is shared with pupils during their induction period and is displayed around the school.

Our Behaviour Strategy is Trauma informed to provide support for learners who have struggled to engage in a mainstream environment. The Pastoral Support Team are on hand throughout the school day to support our pupils needs.

As part of our approach to support and deal with challenging behaviour, staff and pupils use a Restorative framework to rebuild relationships with both pupils and peers. Our Restorative Approach allows both staff and pupils to resolve any issues and continue the learning both inside and outside the classroom.

All of our staff receive regular training through the school’s CPD programme including Behaviour Management strategies and Team teach. As part of the weekly staff briefing both Miss Morris & Mr Doohan will deliver behaviour strategies and training to all staff.

The Behavioiur Lead work closely with the School’s SEND Team to ensure pupils needs are shared with staff, to prevent any challenging behaviour and if this does happen staff are able to deal with any incidents effectively.

Behaviour at The Heights Blackburn is overseen by Miss H Morris (Assistant Headteacher for Pastoral) and the Headteacher. Miss Morris is supported by Mr R Doohan (Behaviour Lead) and the School’s Senior Leadership & Pastoral Teams.

Miss H Morris
Assistant Headteacher for Pastoral  & DSL

Mr R Doohan
Behaviour Lead

The Heights Respect Charter

We expect all students to respect the school charter. The principles of this charter include:

Respect Yourself

  • by taking pride in your appearance, wearing your uniforms
  • by taking pride in the  work you complete
  • by accepting responsibility for your own behaviour

Respect Others

  • by treating others with consideration and politeness
  • by caring for others and their property
  • by being welcoming and friendly
  • by moving around the school in a safe and sensible manner

Respect Learning

  • by arriving at lessons on time
  • by settling quickly to work
  • by listening carefully and following instructions
  • by working to the best of your ability

Respect The Environment

  • by respecting equipment, resources, and the school in general
  • by using the litter bins provided

To view our Behaviour Policy in full please visit our Policies page

“The culture and ethos of the school encourages a caring and supportive environment in which learning and good behaviour can flourish.”


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