Our Commitment To Safeguarding
We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice. Where it is believed that a child is at risk of or is suffering significant harm, the school will follow the procedures set out in the Blackburn with Darwen Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) Procedures.
Working With External Agencies
We have a statutory obligation to share information where necessary with other external agencies such as Social Care, the Police, NHS, Education Providers and other organisation where appropriate in the interest of safeguarding and keeping children from harm. The sharing of information between agencies is vital in keeping children safe and providing other organisations with necessary information regarding a child. No information would be shared unless vital to the interests of safeguarding a young person.
About us
Safeguarding is the number one and ever-present priority at The Heights Blackburn; ensuring all pupils are safe and well in all areas of their lives is the most important action for all staff at our school. At The Heights Blackburn all safeguarding concerns are responded to with validity, seriousness and dignity; all safeguarding concerns are actioned imminently, appropriately, effectively, strongly and meaningfully; all pupils are supported holistically to ensure they can thrive at school, at home and in their lives today and beyond.
Our mission is to ensure that pupils feel safe at school, home, the community, in the digital world and within their own physical and mental health. Should there be a concern that a pupil does not, is not or could not be safe, whether historically, currently or potentially, The Heights Blackburn’s Safeguarding and Pastoral team will act to ensure that the pupil’s needs are met and that they are kept safe, protected and supported in all areas of their life.
Safeguarding is in everything we do as staff, everything we give to young people as pupils, and is at the core of the pupil experience at The Heights Blackburn. Any member of the community, person connected to a pupil of ours, agency or professional, and most importantly pupil at our school, can speak to the DSL or any member of the safeguarding and pastoral team for advice, support and guidance around any area of concern.
Helen Morris – Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – hmorris@heightsblackburn-ept.com – 01254 261655
Helen Morris is the school’s Assistant Head; Helen Morris holds an NPQ, is a qualified Teacher and leads the school’s Pastoral Support team as the Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) at The Heights Blackburn. Helen Morris is also the schools’ designated person for looked after children.
Junaid Musa – Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL) – jmusa@heightsblackburn-ept.com – 01254 261655
Junaid Musa is the school’s Pupil Wellbeing Lead; Junaid holds a Master’s degree in Philosophy & a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and is responsible for positive daily wellbeing as part of all pupil’s school experience at The Heights.
Ross Doohan – Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead – rdoohan@heightsblackburn-ept.com – 01254 261655
Ross Doohan is the whole school’s Behaviour Lead; Ross is also the school’s Digital Safeguarding Lead and is responsible for promoting online safety, digital protection for pupils and responding to technology related safeguarding concerns. Ross Provides support to the DSL and DDSL in the day to day operations of safeguarding and provides cover for the DSLs as and when needed.